Επιστροφή στο Forum : Navigon a Garmin Brand: The first NAVIGON app bundle on the Apple App Store.

20-11-2014, 02:23
Yieeeha! We just released our first NAVIGON app bundle on the Apple App Store. It contains our most popular apps NAVIGON Europe & NAVIGON North America and is now available for 99,99 € / 119,99 USD on iTunes.
You already purchased one of those apps? No problem! Just complete your bundle for little money and travel throughout North America and Europe without a data connection. Ready for your overseas vacation?
Navigon EU + NA Bundle for iPhone: http://bit.ly/NavigonEU_NA_Bundle_iTunes

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/10688163_10152841514425930_2224104323378543040_o.j pg